Monday 14 March 2011

Branding of Art Gallery in a Travelling Art Gallery


Logo Designs


Flyer: Front and Back

Monday 28 February 2011 background

I have been working with the web designer on the design on the website and we have finally finished the mock up to show them. So far they have liked the direction that we have been going in so far, by choosing a purple colour background and some simple icons.

So here is the final design that needs to be double checked before being built.

Friday 25 February 2011


I've been researching a lot in to magazine covers and the sorts of images they use as the magazine cover to catch people's eyes and advertise their magazine. A lot of them are really raunchy and it surprises you when you go looking for it, however usually when you aren's specifically thinking about the issues, you don't even register how raunchy they actually are.

We have a crit tomorrow on a visual representation of our presentation and research etc, so since I am researching in to that at the second, I made a magazine cover...

Friday 11 February 2011

Learning Agreement

We had to hand our learning agreement today and I handed in the issues with magazine design etc. A woman came in to help with our learning agreements and I had a tutorial with her and she said that it was brilliant. made me feel amazing. She took a copy to keep and kept telling me that it was worth a 2.1!

Thursday 3 February 2011


We had a learning agreement presentation today...I decided to go with my magazine design idea. The idea is to create a magazine that is created for magazine designers, giving them information and research about the moral/ethical/social and cultural issues behind magazine design, ranging from size 0 issues to airbrushing and sex sells. I think this is meaty enough to last me twelve weeks, and it is something that I am quite interesting. I think it would be a good spring board in to industry as well as it is showing that I know the issues within industry, I'll have created a magazine and so on...

Friday 28 January 2011


I've been trying to think of interesting things that I could do my professional project on and I'm kind stuck. I really like the idea of getting in to something like book design

or maybe even magazine design.

I think that would be quite cool.

However I quite like typography too, and I read a viral email last night about how you can read a sentence of words when the first and last letter of the word is right, and the middle letters are scrambled and you can still read it.

Can you raed tihs?

I think thats insane. Therefore I am finding it quite difficult.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Professional Project

We were briefed today on Professional Project. It sounds quite interesting...we basically need to make a brief for ourself, but obviously it needs to be something that we think will advance us into the industry as our main project before we leave. We need to use it as a springboard in to the future of design. The only twist is it has to be something that is meaty since its a 12 week project, so something that I wouldnt get bored with easily, and we need to look at the theory behind what we are looking in to...